
Hear it, live it

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I'm Saved, What now?

Do you know that God loves you?

Do you know that God wants to talk to you?

Learn about the essential core beliefs of following Jesus, begin reading the bible with a 30 day plan, and learn how to start practice communicating with Him. 

“So, faith comes from hearing — that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”

— Romans 10:17

When I'm feeling anxious

Let's use our 5 senses to ground our minds. This helps us to stay connected to the moment and ourselves, bringing us back into our window of tolerance.

  1. Perform a mental body exam, notice what is going on
  2. Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste
  3. Repeat body scan and notice if there are any differences

When I'm feeling stressed

This is a great opportunity to see if your boundaries need to be adjusted or introduced. This may be in a social context, work environment, with your children or just in your to do list.

  1. If your feeling overwhelmed, return to the grounding technique shared above and give yourself a break.
  2. Practise setting boundaries with someone you feel comfortable and safe with.
  3. Notice what it's like when you name what feels good/best/preferable to you in the area that is causing you stress. Observe how your limits are respected.
  4. An preparation step for future situations can be to create a script and practice how to communicate the boundaries you need.

Looking for a book?

Here are some of our recommendations...

"Try Softer" by Aundi Kopler

The above grounding and boundary setting techniques are discussed further in this book.

"Soul Care: 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul" by Rob Reimer

"Cleaning up your Mental Mess" by Dr. Caroline Leaf

"The Sacred Search" by Gary Thomas

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